Iwas totally wrong about Medjugorje. I have tried to take anything that had written up until now out of this web site. I now believe that the phenomenom at Medjugorje is either a hoax or diabolical - probably a mixture of both.

This is why I changed my mind on Medjugorje:

The last two bishops, Bishops Zanic and Previc, had said that these are not true apparitions of Mary. This is enough for me. The local bishop has full authority to rule on matters such as this. For instance, just a few months ago, we have our first Church-approved Marian apparition in the US, in Champion, Wisconsin. It was not approved by the pope but the local bishop of Champion.   So if an apparition can be approved by the local bishop and then be considered Church-approved, then an alleged apparition rejected by the local bishop should be considered rejected by the Church. Of course, the pope can always overrule the bishop, but until that happens we should honor what is said by the bishop who has jurisdiction over the place where the apparition occurred. It does not matter if a bishop in another diocese approves of it – he does not have jurisdiction in another diocese.

In all the other Church-approved apparitions, Mary instructed the visionaries to be fully submissive to their bishop. But in Medjurgorje, the visionaries and the Franciscan priests have been in disobedience to the bishop. This is a grave sin! There is no way that the real Mary would be behind this! The bishop has commanded that the apparition be not promoted in any way, and the no one go to Medjugorje because of these alleged apparitions. But this has been ignored.

Another troubling thing is its theology. “Mary” told the visionaries that all religions are the same. This is heresy.  Although there may me an element of truth in all religions, only in the Catholic Church do we have the fullness of truth. “Mary” also said that those in heaven are there in soul and body. This is false. We do not receive our resurrected bodies until the end when Christ returns. “Mary” said we can read The Poem of the Man-God (even the title is troubling – Jesus is God-Man, not Man-God). But the Catholic Church placed this book on the Index of Forbidden Books. “Mary” told the visionaries that after the pope she is second in the hierarchy of the Church. But she is not in the hierarchy at all!

One troubling incident is that there were allegations against one of the Franciscan priests, Fr. Vego, of having sex with a nun. The Pope himself took away all of Fr Vego’s priestly duties. But “Mary” told Fr. Vego through the missionaries to defy the Pope and continue on - since he was innocent. How could the real Mary ever tell someone to defy the pope? As it turned out, this nun became pregnant, and Fr.
Vego then left the priesthood and married her. Oops! I guess “Mary” was wrong; Fr Vego was guilty as charged!

What is also troubling is that the visionaries say that they can summon “Mary” at will, often during their speaking engagements. The Bible condemns us conjuring up the dead, but yet these visionaries can conjure up “Mary” whenever they want to – especially when there is an audience! But in Church-approved apparitions, Mary appears to the visionaries when she wants to (or actually when God wills). It is not based on when the visionaries want her to appear.

Whenever the visionaries were in a trance, they said that all they could see was Mary. But then during one trance, a skeptic took his two fingers and moved toward one of the visionaries as if to poke her eyes. The visionary jerked her head back. She later explained that she did not see these fingers coming towards her, but that Mary almost dropped the infant Jesus and she was trying to catch Him. But how could the Immaculate Mary drop her Son? And since Jesus is God, how could that affect Him anyway? And if she was trying to catch Jesus would she not have lunged forward and not backward?

Also, in the Church-approved apparitions, the visionaries never capitalized on their visions for their own profit. For instance, St Bernadette (Lourdes) and St Lucia (Fatima) became nuns. But the Medjugorje visionaries have expensive cars and homes because of all the money they made.

True, many people went to Medjugorje and became closer to God. But this does not prove the validity of Medjugorje anymore than Protestants who are close to God validates Protestantism. God is all merciful. If someone sincerely seeks God, even if it is based on some false premises, God will still have pity on such a soul and draw that person to Himself.

True, some rosaries miraculously changed color. And many saw the sun spinning. But the Bible says that the devil can masquarade as an angel of light. He can produce miracles, too! And although, many saw the sun spinning, there were some who permanently damaged their eyes by staring into the sun. Would the real Mary be part of that.

So what is the motivation behind this? For the visionaries, it is simple – money! For the Devil, it is also simple – disobedience and schism. I believe that eventually the Vatican will rule that this is false. And
I think that millions will disobey the pope and continue their devotions to Medjugorje. They may even start their own church – the Medjugorje Church. This is Satan’s plan.